Welcome Audubon Families!



Everything you need to get the school year started is here!


Our website audubonptsa.org is one stop portal to register and update family/student information, become a PTSA member and enroll your child(ren) into various enrichment programs PTSA offers. Please bookmark this page to stay up-to-date


Step 1:

NEW FAMILIES, Create a family account, OR

CONTINUING FAMILIES, update your family account for the 2024-2025 school year.


Step 2:

Become a member of the PTSA to have a vote in General Membership Meetings (on budget, elections, etc.) and show your support for Audubon.


PTSA at its core is about providing a better school experience for our kids. We do that by bringing enrichment programs (before and after school, math challenge, art docent program, etc.) for our kids, providing funding support for school (classroom supplies, field trips, etc.), and keeping families connected with community events and programs. 


PTSA is the largest child advocacy non-profit organization made up of parents. We have a great support system at the National, State, and council level PTAs. Audubon PTSA follows WA State bylaws, our board of directors get training to be responsible leaders, and we work with our members towards a common goal.


Show your support for kids. JOIN PTSA now. 


Your membership fee is used to pay dues to the council, state, and national PTA. They in turn support us with tools, resources, governance guidelines, and enable to function as a local PTSA unit. 


Anyone can subscribe to our weekly newsletter to get all the latest information, about upcoming PTSA programs and events for our students and families, delivered right in your mailbox (PTSA members and enrolled families are automatically subscribed).


Questions? Contact us at info@audubonptsa.org




We are so proud that Audubon Elementary PTSA achieved the 2023-2025 National PTA School of Excellence designation for our work to in the 2023-2024 school year to create an environment where families feel welcomed, included and empowered to support their children’s success.





 School Supplies!


Back to School supply lists are available here:


School Information

The school day at Audubon is 9:20 a.m. - 3:50 p.m.
Wednesdays are early release days with student dismissal at 2:20 pm.
Students may not be dropped off before 9:05 and need to be picked up promptly at 3:50. 
Principal: Megan Ames
Associate Principal: Neil Gerrans
Office Manager: Joan Livesey
Registrar: Jami Worsley
Attendance: 425-936-2501
Main Number: 425-936-2500
Audubon Elementary


Upcoming Events

Wed Sept 11   Early release Wednesdays (2:20pm) begins 
Thurs Sept 12 4:30pm   Welcome Back Bash! 
Thurs Sept 19 6:30pm   PTSA Board Meeting in Library
Thurs Oct 10 6:30pm   PTSA General Membership Meeting in Library
Thurs Oct 17 6:30pm   Movie Night!






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